
Megaliths, forgotten world

2023 - Official trailer

Howard Crowhurst's film Megaliths Forgotten World Poster



During a strange dream, a voice coming from the depths of time reaches Sarah (Sarah Sutter). Totally moved, she sets off in search of information about ancient civilizations and the traces they have left all over the world.


In her search, Sarah decides to travel to Brittany, to discover the Carnac alignments. She convinces her companion David (Romain Lancry), who is far less enthusiastic about the idea, to go with her…


This documentary combines fiction and reality, taking viewers into an unknown world: that of the megaliths. The story told by these ancient monuments is so incredible, so extraordinary, that we’re going to have a hard time accepting it.


Are you ready ?

Written and directed by Howard Crowhurst, this film is the perfect introduction to his work ! 


The film will soon be available to watch. 


Stay tuned !

A new film project is coming !

«Megaliths, Forgotten World» is only the first part of a series of several opuses.


In his next film, «Megaliths, Unified World», Howard Crowhurst will take the audience on a tour around the globe to explore what knowledge and principles link monumental constructions of the ancient world.


Learn more about this upcoming project and how you can help to make it happen here :

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